Madison Monlezun Saunders, AuD


Madison Saunders, AuD, is a clinical audiologist with more than seven years of experience in hospital, private practice, Veterans Administration, and industry settings. In support of her husband’s career transition from operational military to foreign service, assigned to Latin America, she saw the need to expand her expertise beyond the clinic.

Ziheng (Sally) Chen


Sally Chen is a second-year master of science student in the Epidemiology Department, specializing in Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis. In her professional career, she gained experience on regulatory compliance, clinical trial design and management, and medical writing. Chen is currently working as a research assistant with core faculty Alison Huang, PhD, MPH.

Chen's research interests include exploring the role of social determinants on health outcomes in older adults.

Tsion Gebre, MD


Gebre is an experienced Otolaryngologist with over 4 years of expertise in otologic surgery, audiology, and patient care. 

Currently pursuing a Master of Public Health degree at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Gebre has previously worked in both Liberia and Ethiopia, where she held academic and leadership roles, including as an Assistant Professor at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC).  Gebre established ENT services in underserved regions, contributed to medical education, and published peer-reviewed research. 

Xi (Sissi) Wang, MPH


Xi (Sissi) Wang, MPH, is a PhD student in Epidemiology of Aging Track. Sissi earned her Master of Public Health in Epidemiologic Methods from the University of Michigan School of Public Health. From 2016 to 2022, she worked as an intermediate and senior research analyst at the University of Michigan Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center, where she researched kidney disease and statistical methods to profile healthcare quality. In 2023, Sissi researched social determinants of health and causal inference as a research assistant at Boston University.

Breanna Langenek


Breanna Langenek is a Doctor of Audiology student at The Ohio State University. She is currently completing her externship at Johns Hopkins. The American Academy of Audiology has awarded her the James and Susan Jerger Excellence in Student Research Award. Previously, Langenek was an NIH T-35 research trainee at the National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR) in Portland, Oregon. Langenek's research interests include ototoxicity and the epidemiology of hearing loss. She works with her mentor, Nicholas Reed, on the AIDS Linked to the Intravenous Experience (ALIVE) study.

Jalisa Bass


Jalisa Bass is a research program coordinator in the Department of Otolaryngology who primarily serves to assist the management of HEARS projects within the Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health. She obtained her B.S. in Psychology from Kent State University in 2020 and is currently working towards her M.A. in Nonprofit Management at Johns Hopkins University Advanced Academic Programs.

Meghana Rajashekara Swamy, MD



Susan Richmond, AuD


Susan Richmond, AuD, is a clinical audiologist in Arizona, with over a decade in practice between private and government sectors. She is pursuing a Master of Public Health from the Bloomberg School with an interest in improving health equity and access to hearing care, particularly for older adults.

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Trainee Kening Jiang's Research in Hearing Loss and Fatigue Garners Media Coverage

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Training as a CHAMP
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